Jacksons First Christmas

So this was Jackson’s first Christmas and it is not over yet. We still have 2 more to go. First one was with Jon’s dads side. It was fun. Jackson got to hang out with his cousin that is close in age with him, Taylor. He got some really fun things also for Christmas. The next one was Jon’s mom side. He is the only baby on that side. It too was fun. We had a nice dinner and fun conversations. Jackson got a penguin from his Aunt Leslie. It blows up and you push it, and it makes a noise and sings. It is a fun toy. Tomorrow we have dinner with his mom and some of her friends. After, we have just my family. We are most likely going to do it sometime next week. But it seems like so far Jackson has really been enjoying his first Christmas. I on the other hand, I am more excited for when he gets just a little bit older. Where he is excited for the next day, or excited about all the fun Christmas movies that play on TV.

Other than Christmas, Jackson is starting to do a bunch of new things. He has found his feet. It is so neat that he has starting that. He also does this gurgling sound. Its so cute. He also seems as though he wants to crawl. He is not yet into position to do so, but I can tell he is starting to look at things and want them while doing tummy time. He is going to be having his 4 month checkup soon. He was doing some really advanced things for his age before, I can not wait to find out if there is anything that he is doing early.

3 Months And Getting Colder

Jackson is now a little over 3 months old. He is getting so big. He’s about 25 inches long. He will soon be taller than me I just know it. He’s also kind of starting to sit up on his own. He just wiggles after a couple of seconds then falls back. But he’s getting the hang of it when he holds my hands. He can roll from his stomach to his back but not from his back to his stomach yet. He’s laughing and giggling a lot more lately, kicking when in the tub, and taking long naps. FINALLY. He was having problems for a long while about taking naps. He’s gotten to the point to were he is realizing when he is going to be talking a nap and that he needs a nap. Jack has also been sleeping through the nights. Its been really great especially since I will be starting work in January and Jon will have to be doing the “night shift” on the days when I work the next day. So lucky Jon.

Katelin comes home soon from college for winter break. I am so excited. It has been too long since Thanksgiving since I have seen my lil sis. We have already planned out a lot of things that we want to do together. I am so excited.

But other than all that, Jon and I are doing great. The big winter blizzard we had made us realize that we really like having a snow removal service. Saturday we just watched the snow fall, stayed warm, and made beef stew for dinner. Then on Sunday they came and moved snow. Its really nice not having to go outside in the below zero wind and shovel snow. It was so nice. Hopefully that will be worst of the season and we just now have to deal with little snow falls once in awhile. At least lets hope.